Business Case Development

What is Business Case Development?

Business case development is the process of documenting the justification or reasoning for a project or initiative, in order to gain support for it (both financial and stakeholder buy-in). A business case is crucial for gaining approval from stakeholders and making sure that the project is seen to be aligned with organisational goals, and also seen to be value-adding.

Business case development involves identifying a business problem or opportunity; reviewing the options and their costs, benefits and risks; developing a strategy for the solution’s implementation; and gaining financial approval.

Why is Business Case development so important to get right?

Without a solid outline of the ‘why’ you want to initiate a project, you may not receive the buy-in (and all important funds!) to get it off the ground. A business case serves as the justification for investment, by comparing the costs and benefits. It is a decision-making tool, that aids the process of deciding whether to proceed or not. That’s why it’s important to get it right!

A good business case will:

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Start the conversation with us today about how we can help you with business case development. Reach out to us now to have a chat!