How to give good feedback

It’s not good enough, just isn’t good enough!

At the core of an organisation, the combined efforts of individuals will either drive meaningful change or push it backward. In order to progress and improve, at some point, we need to assess how we are performing. The ability to offer advice in an effective way is a skill leaders and peers alike must learn for an individual and organisation to reach its full potential.

Feedback is a two-way street, but have you ever really thought about what goes into providing helpful and effective feedback? If not, that’s ok… here are a few tips to get you started!

2PM’s top tips for giving effective feedback:

  1. Adapt your approach to suit your audience. Some people need a bit of sugar-coating, while others just want to know the facts. Try to tailor your feedback appropriately.
  2. Provide an example to support your feedback. It’s no good telling someone they need to do things differently if you don’t offer an example or suggestion. Offering examples will quickly drive understanding and provide clarity moving forward.
  3. Allow the individual to assess their own work. Sometimes it’s not about telling, it’s about listening. Allowing people the opportunity to assess their own work will lead to greater ownership and action.
  4. Base feedback on measures or outcomes. You cannot expect someone to perform to a certain level if that level has not been clearly stated. Comments like ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘it’s not good enough’ provide no baseline for expectations.
  5. Give a reason why. What is the reason behind the feedback? What is the greater vision? Naturally, people want to feel like their work matters, so try to build the feedback based on the bigger picture.
  6. Focus on the improvement, not the criticism. Negativity will not drive progression or positive motivation. So instead of dwelling on the problem, try focusing on the solution!

Feedback done differently

Here at 2PM, we conducted annual performance reviews where individuals have the opportunity to give feedback as well as receive it. A great option for this is to hold a strategy day, where teams can come together and collaborate on current states and create a shared vision and goals for the future.

Our strategy days in the past have included LEGO, colourful hats, bath bombs, burgers, coffee, and plenty of opportunity for constructive and effective feedback. If you really want to engage your team, stop putting them to sleep with traditional meetings and get creative instead… or better yet, let one of our highly skilled facilitators design a strategy day for you!