LEGO® Serious Play

How can LEGO® Serious Play unlock your team’s potential?

What is LEGO® Serious Play?

LEGO® Serious Play (LSP) is a facilitation methodology developed by the LEGO® Group. It’s designed to enhance creativity, problem-solving, and team collaboration by using LEGO® bricks in a structured way.

What are the key benefits of LEGO® Serious Play?

What are the key applications of LEGO® Serious Play?

Please watch this reflection of a LEGO® facilitation session we conducted with Colony47, if you are interested. This showcases how we use LEGO® to foster creativity and collaboration in our workshops.

We’d love to hear from you!

Start a conversation with us today about how we can help you with LEGO® Serious Play. Reach out to us now to have a chat!